It’s the future. How far? Far enough that our modern society is little more than a ghost haunting humanity. Far enough that we’ve spread far beyond Earth, off onto many worlds.
So what’s become of us? Humanity, I mean.
Did we fall into ruin, destroying ourselves via disaster either environmental, nuclear or otherwise? Nope. We’re still here. Turns out humanity is resilient against even the worst of odds.
Did capitalism collapse and give way to intergalactic utopia? Also no. Rapacious systems of human hierarchy continue, now with an infinite number of worlds on which to grow. Turns out humanity will always hunger, will always push, will always exploit.
Did old systems of belief and faith shatter in the new light of a scientific renaissance? No again. Instead, our many beliefs underwent metamorphosis after metamorphosis, re-emerging in forms both familiar and strange. Turns out humanity will always need its myths, may in fact be defined by them.
In A Thousand Suns humanity is out there, exploring new worlds, forging new & daring paths, still dragging along the remnants of the past, still undeniably human, with all that implies.
Welcome to the universes of A Thousand Suns.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

Episode 21